Sustainable Practices for Short Term Property Management

Sustainable Practices for Short Term Property Management

Studies show that about 78% of consumers put importance on sustainability when shopping. In the world of short-term property management, understanding sustainability can help you draw in more customers.

But how can you focus on sustainability with everything else you need to juggle? If you're struggling with eco-friendly property management for your vacation rental, we're here to help.

Read on for a quick guide on the best ways to add sustainability practices to your property. We'll also look at the best ways to advertise these property management techniques.

Proper Lighting

One of the first things to consider is how you're lighting your rental property. The type of light bulb you use can drastically increase your home's energy consumption.

The most sustainable choice at the moment is the LED light bulb. These bulbs use about 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs. For the same lighting, these bulbs use 10 watts, compared to the average of 60 watts for incandescent bulbs.

These will cause your home to use less energy. You should also mention this in the description of your property. That way, renters know that you practice eco-friendly property management.


Few things can pester sustainability-minded customers more than realizing that there's no way for recyclable material in their vacation property. As such, you should always offer recycling when possible.

Hilton Head offers recycling drop-offs at multiple local areas, but most communities will also pick up. Make sure you leave instructions on what days and times recycling collection trucks come by.

Remove Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics are one of the most dangerous things for the environment. Roughly 91% of plastic isn't recycled, and much of this is made up of single-use plastics.

Single-use plastics include straws, bottles, wrappers, bags, and cutlery. These items are difficult to recycle for many reasons, making it so most recycling companies will not accept them.

Removing these items will help your property have a more sustainable footprint. You also won't have to worry about restocking them afterward. Additionally, your tenants will feel better about using nice silverware instead of plastic-wrapped cutlery.

Low-Flow Plumbing

Low-flow plumbing toilets are favorable for sustainability due to using less water. These toilets consume about 1.28 gallons per flush. Comparatively, older models consumed 1.6 gallons.

Installing low-flow toilets and faucets on your property will help lower how much water the property consumes. You'll also have lower bills if you're paying the utilities on the vacation rental.

Sustainable Appliances

Finally, installing sustainable appliances is one of the best short-term rental practices. These appliances use less water and energy.

They also are often seen as more luxurious. Most of these models are new, making it so tenants will have high-quality appliances.

Mastering Short-Term Property Management Sustainability

Short-term property management often includes considering things you may not as a homeowner, such as sustainability and maintenance. Focusing on the tips given above can help you attract more sustainability-minded tenants in South Carolina.

At PMI Sea Island, we're bringing our years of expertise to Hilton Head. With more than 400 franchises across the world, our team is experienced and passionate about providing you with the best management we can. Contact us to see how we can help your rental shine.
